Develop and deliver effective solutions to promote road safety that, at the same time, promote sustainability at an environmental, energetic and economic level. We aim to turn cities safer, smarter and more sustainable through our innovations.
Pavnext will change the paradigm of road safety, by introducing a new pavement device that is able to effectively reduce the vehicles’ speed, without any driver action, without any device embedded in the vehicle and without inducing impact to the vehicle.
Also, we will change the paradigm of clean energy production within the urban environment, turning the pavement into an electric energy generation system, making use of the vehicles’ wasted energy in the speed reduction process.
Our key goals are:
1 – To develop effective solutions to promote road safety.
2 – To develop efficient solutions to produce clean electric energy and optimize energy consumptions, promoting energy efficiency.
3 – To develop solutions to turn cities smarter and more efficient.
4 – To use sustainable materials in the production of our products.